Responsible Gambling Policy

Responsible Gambling

Winning Plus encourages all users in the platform to game responsibly and avoid reckless and improper gambling practices. This helps ensure that all registered users will game responsibly and not bankrupt themselves while participating in the platform. This responsible gambling policy outlines the platform’s commitment in ensuring that all registered users will practice responsible gaming habits.

Responsible Gambling: Voluntary Self-Exclusion

Registered users can, at any time, self-exclude themselves from participating in the platform with the assistance of Winning Plus customer support.  This is vital to ensure that gamblers and potential problem gamblers will be prevented from engaging in problem gambling and bankrupting themselves through reckless practices and falling into gambler’s fallacy.

Responsible Gambling: Voluntary Self-Exclusion

Once a user has opted for self-exclusion, the following will take effect:

  • The user account will be closed
  • User will be barred from re-registering in the platform
  • Seven days must pass before the account can be reopened

The seven days is set in place to prevent gamblers from initiating half-hearted attempts of self-exclusion and help prevent problem gambling.

Responsible Gambling: Users Authorized to Register

Responsible Gambling: Users Authorized to Register

To further aid in keeping problem gambling from occurring, the platform restricts active participation and withdrawal to users aged 18 and above. Minors will not be able to actively play for real money, as well as other individuals who are affiliated with government agencies, employed by other online casinos, and related to government officials.

Any unauthorized user caught participating in the platform will risk getting their accounts closed and funds forfeited to the platform.

Responsible Gambling: User Responsibilities 

Responsible Gambling: User Responsibilities 

To further prove the point of the casino’s commitment to responsible gambling, Winning Plus provides a lift of a few user responsibilities to remind gamblers to game responsibly.

  • Understand that losing is normal
  • Only deposit money you can afford to lose
  • Only deposit surplus money or money specifically allotted for gambling
  • Set limits on how much to bet on a single session and a single game round
  • Never exhaust the entire account balance in a single sitting

Responsible Gambling Tips

Responsible Gambling Tips

In addition to reminders on responsible gaming, Winning Plus also provides some tips to be able to practice responsible gambling. These tips are the following:

  • Set up a standalone gaming budget
  • Set up deposit and loss limits
  • Set up Win/Loss limits
  • Play games with low minimum bets
  • Take regular breaks from online casino gaming

Following these is not mandatory, but it helps users practice responsible gaming practices to be able to continue gaming in the platform and win real money.