Live Online Cockfighting

Winning Plus offers the best live online cockfighting from DS88. Bet on live fighting roosters and pick which one is more likely to win and wait for up to 10 minutes until a match ends. Play Meron, Wala, or Draw bets and take a chance on one bird winning or on a draw happening to get an 8:1 payout. 


Play live sabong instead of the RNG virtual sabong to have a real chance of winning without relying on luck.

Why Live Online Cockfighting?

The main reason to play live online cockfighting is to be able to bet on actual live fighting roosters, even if the match is pre-recorded, instead of leaving the results to RNG. In live cockfighting, you’ll be able to inspect the two birds before they’re dropped into the pit and you’ll be able to place your bets depending on how the two birds look and on your knowledge of fighting rooster breeds. Being able to bet on actual roosters mean that the outcome is not completely random so the bettor will be able to make informed decisions instead of blindly guessing.

Why Live Online Cockfighting?

Virtual cockfighting produces random outcomes and it is largely impossible to make informed decisions on which bird will win. Some virtual options are arcade-like with birds assigned health values and featuring different mechanics while others also work as if they’re fighting simulators similar to the Tekken and Street Fighter games.

Understanding Online Cockfighting

Online cockfighting is the online version of the cockfighting held in local cockpits. While cockfights are popular in India, these matches aren’t typically offered in online casinos and betting sites. Most matches are livestreamed from the Philippines where cockfighting still reigns despite the local ban on e-sabong.

Understanding Online Cockfighting

Betting on online cockfights makes the players feel like they’re in actual cockpits instead of only betting on the odds and not being able to watch. In online cockfights, bettors will be able to see the roosters fight and hear the Filipino commentator talk about the match. Keep in mind that the commentator is Filipino and this is the only downside with online cockfighting since bettors won’t be able to understand the commentary unless they know Tagalog.

Online Cockfighting Bets

Bet on Meron or Wala depending on which fighting rooster you saw was more likely to win their match. The odds of Meron and Wala are not static and will change depending on how many players placed their bets on them with the final odds being decided once the bets are closed.

Online Cockfighting Bets

The Draw bet stands out as the only bet with a high payout. Players won’t have to regret about not betting on Draw since all Meron and Wala bets are pushed should a tie occur. 

Winning roosters are decided during the carreo. A losing rooster won’t peck twice during this phase while winning roosters will peck twice. No matter the status of the two birds, no winner will be decided if neither birds peck twice and the match will end in a tie.


Online cockfighting is the digital version of the traditional blood sport loved by multiple Filipino bettors. The matches are normally either held live or pre-recorded.

Winning Plus features a live stream of a match accessible as long as the bettor has enough balance to be able to place a bet.


Online cockfighting is the digital version of the popular blood sport in the Philippines. This can either be live or virtual formats and Winning Plus offers the live version where you can actually bet on actual fighting roosters instead of leaving the outcome to RNG.

Try playing online cockfighting today.